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PYP Bow/Bow Tie Day

Today’s Bow/Bow-Tie Day for the Early Years, and they could not look any cuter! ARIS’ littlest all came decked up with a regular tie or a bowtie around their neck, and some girls also chose to wear pretty bows in their hair or their dresses, and they looked quite dapper, might I add.

One of the major themes of the Primary Years Programme, that starts from Nursery, is “How We Express Ourselves”! It centers on literally, how we express ourselves through the arts, through our work, and also through the way that we dress (only on the days that we are allowed to wear something other than uniform, that is!). This is also a major part of the learning process and in the becoming of communicators, risk-takers, thinkers and open-minded!

Today’s an exciting Friday for our Early Years, as the Bow/Bow-Tie Day calls for a great big supervised playtime during the morning, for the children to feel the excitement and reflect on whatever they have learnt in the past week.

There will be more days as such, coming up, so stay tuned!