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PYP Cooking Letters

A large part of our Early Years Teaching and Learning at ARIS is through “Learning through Play”. During a child’s formative early years, learning through play and overall experiential learning, aids the child’s ability to make sense and make connections to the world around them. Moreover, experiential learning is more strategic and collaborative.

Last week, our Reception students were out and about on the field, cooking up letters! What do we mean by cooking up letters?

Jolly Phonics is an essential child-centered teaching approach to teach children of the early years literacy. Students learn about the sounds of the letters, the formation of these letters, tricky words that sound and read different and of course, blending of these letters. Blending is necessary to form all the letter sounds to form comprehensive words, which aids reading.

Our Reception students were involved in an activity where a large pan was filled with alphabets and sounds they have learnt. The task at hand was that the Facilitator would write for them CVC 3 letter Words (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) for the children to then mash and cook the 3 letters together to form the word at hand. CVC words are like Cat, Mat, Pin, Pan and so on.

Learning about the CVC Pattern and putting together these letters in this activity boosts their confidence and overall literacy skills – by spelling, reading and blending as they go.

Here’s to more such activities! Stay tuned for more.