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PYP Literacy and Math Integration

Literacy and Math Integration is constant across the PYP here, at ARIS, from the Early Years and onwards.

At Reception, the current Unit of Inquiry is – Friendship, under the Trans-disciplinary Theme of “Who We Are”. For Math Integration under this Unit, the Reception students were immersed in an interactive peer activity!

The Reception students were given either Lego Blocks in the Lego Room or, in the case of another section, Colored Paper Clips. Subsequently, they were paired up, and one of them would have to put together the blocks atop each other, or clip together the paper clips until they would reach the height of their partner. This is to say – My friend is 10 blocks tall!

This is a great activity for the Reception children to really understand the concepts of Numbers and Unit Measurements, and thus reflect and apply it to real life situations. It’s also a creative cooperative activity aiding their social and communication skills!

The detailed Unit of Inquiry is as follows;

Central Idea: Friends can have an impact on our well-being

Big Idea: Friendship

Lines of Inquiry:

· Developing and Making Friends

· Effects of Friendship on us

· Importance of being a good friend

Concepts: Causation, Responsibility, Connection

Related Concepts: Values, Relationship

Attitudes: Respect, Tolerance, Integrity, Cooperation

Profiles: Caring, Communicator

Skills: Social, Communication, Self-Management