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Sarafina Auditions

There’s something quite charming about School Plays. You always are able to discover students’ hidden talents, witness them growing as they work on their talents, the hard work of students and teachers, the collaboration, all the excitement, anticipation and so much more!

School plays also provide a space for cultural learning. In any given play with a specific storyline or time period, there is a lot of learning and discovery through the portrayal of characters. Learning hidden histories, new cultures, new words, new languages and more! Learning through the Arts has been recognized as an important facet of Inclusive learning as well.

You may or may not have been with us, last year, when our Performing Arts team organized its first ever ARIS School Play – Moana. It was quite successful, to say the least. Parents thoroughly enjoyed their wards acting, performing or emoting as their respective characters, there were some parents who had not even known about their wards’ hidden talents! It was a packed audience.

It’s that time of the year again! This year, we will organize our 2nd Play, of which we are hoping becomes an annual ARIS School Play tradition. Wait for it… its Sarafina!

Sarafina is a story about student movement at the Soweto Uprising, in opposition to the implementation of Afrikaans as the language of instruction in schools in South Africa, during the Apartheid Policy. This play will be a great instrument to learn about the history of Apartheid, racial segregation and student movements and so much more. You may also remember Sarafina as the movie with Whoopi Goldberg in it!

We have found our Sarafina, so far, but the auditions are still going on at the ARIS Secondary School! Come and be a part of this journey.