Home News   School Closure Notification: Kofi Annan’s State Funeral

School Closure Notification: Kofi Annan’s State Funeral

“We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.” The Late Former UN Secretary General, His Excellency, Kofi Annan, son of Ghana, was a Nobel Laureate and a Beacon of Peace and Humanitarianism. Kofi Annan, a ‘Global Statesman’ and a ‘deeply committed Internationalist’, will be remembered as an “untiring Peace negotiator”.

On August 18th 2018, the world and Ghana lost one of their gems. To bid the final Goodbye, in the coming week, Thursday, September 13th 2018, will be the day of Kofi Annan’s State Funeral at the Accra International Conference Center. The service will be attended by UN Officials, Heads of State, Diplomatic Delegations and the General Public.

To honor this day and show our respect on behalf of the ARIS Community, ARIS has declared Thursday the 13th of September 2018, to be a Non-School Day.