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Today is EYP Rainbow Day!

Today is EYP Rainbow Day! That means that all the Early Years students have to come decked up in colors of the Rainbow!

These color days are every Friday for the children to learn about these colors and make crafts around these colors. Moreover, in the early years as children strive to make sense of the environment around them through colors, patterns and shapes, dressing up in bright colors allows them to make connections to their environment, with their friends and allows them to express themselves!

Every morning, the Reception children go out for Circle Time! Circle time is a peer building activity which gets all the three sections (Reception A, B and C) involved in singing rhymes, playing games and more to start off the Friday bright and happy!

Today, it was all the more colorful with all the colors of the rainbow and then some as the children and their Facilitators played a version of Musical Chairs with a French Nursery Song translated as “Circle of Friends”. They all sang and went around in circles until the rhyme would pause; when it paused, if a participant did not freeze, then they would go to the middle until the circle would not hold anymore!

This activity helps their coordination skills, and also builds communication, social and language skills! This is apt, considering their current Unit of Inquiry also happens to be Friendship!