Why Should we Empower Others?

Sep 10, 2018

ARIS is a place where we Inspire, Empower and Transform each other, as a community. This Academic Year, we have put up really inspirational placards and quotes all around the hallways to be a fun and healthy learning and working environment for all!

We also have a new MYP Coordinator, Ms. Barbara Bilgre who has put up a White Board in the hallways that has a new MYP Question of the Week, every week, for any passerby to answer! At the end of every week, we can see the finished board with all the answers, before the following week brings new answers.

Last week’s question was, “Why Should We Empower Others?” and the board was filled with answers! These are some of the answers – “So they can empower everyone else to empower others!”; “So they can be a better version of themselves”; “To motivate them”; “So we can be of service and give back”; “To help them find their full potential” and more!

We are a diverse community not only from the contexts of our background and cultures, but also our thoughts, our teaching, our learning and our ideas. This board, every week, serves as a reflection of that. To see various ideas and viewpoints is always a pleasure; and spreading positivity is always a bonus!

Let’s continue to INSPIRE, EMPOWER, and TRANSFORM.