Home News   ARIS PSA Coffee Morning Kicks off the 2019/20 Session

ARIS PSA Coffee Morning Kicks off the 2019/20 Session

The new academic year 2019-20 is bringing in a lot of new developments! For one, our new PSA Executive Committee is stepping up on parent involvement with in-school and extra activities/events!

This morning the ARIS PSA held the first Coffee Morning of this year and a big shoutout to Orchidea Flowers (and Cafe) for catering to the Coffee Morning with beautiful patisserie desserts! We are off to a great start.

Without much ado, all the important information and developments discussed during the meeting are as follows:

The ARIS PSA will be sending out a "Welcome Back Newsletter and Online-Questionnaire" to parents. The Newsletter will be carrying information on the members of the ARIS PSA and any other updates, as an introduction and getting to know the ARIS PSA. The plan is to involve the rest of the parent community much more than has been in the previous years. The questionnaire that goes out with the newsletter will also want the wider parent community to voice out what they would like to be included in the ARIS PSA Line of Action in order to act collectively as a united parent community.

The annual PSA Welcome Back Barbeque remains as it is, as does the annual PSA International Day. They are the legacy of the ARIS PSA, being two of the most popular events at ARIS that bring together the community and truly appreciate the immense diversity within our community!

Teachers being one of the main pillars of our school community, and parents being another, there needs to be a connect outside the classroom and academics as well. ARIS PSA is planning to start a Teacher Appreciation Potluck/Breakfast to make sure that there is a deeper connection between the two communities within ARIS.

All of our parents come from various different walks of life with different businesses. The ARIS PSA is planning to come up with a "Parents Eagle Index" which will take on the purpose of an in-house Yellow Page listing all the different goods and services that can be offered within the perimeters of our parents' businesses! The parents' businesses will also provide support for Career Day. This is a great strategic effort in uplifting the parent community!

Speaking of parent involvement and participation, the PSA is also planning to set up monthly or even bi-monthly (logistics will be determined later after deliberation) activity mornings! This includes yoga, dance, baking and so on. It is completely open to suggestions based on who would like to take charge of the sessions based on their respective areas of expertise.

The ARIS PSA wants to take an active role within students' academic and non-academic engagements. The IBDP CAS (Creativity, Action, and Service) activities can always benefit from parent involvement. Considering parents have different creative avenues and engagements, getting our IBDP students to be a part of them can fulfill their CAS commitments.

To close it off, the ARIS PSA is still developing the ARIS PSA Loyalty Card plan by approaching different businesses and services for partnerships. Moreover, they are also planning to come up with PSA Merchandise like pens, caps, t-shirts and more!

We have a lot to look forward to! Get hyped!