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Boohoo Morning

The little ones are back! One of the most exciting days of the whole year, every single year, is when our youngest students of Playgroup and Nursery return to school. Playgroup is always filled with new two-year-olds and the Nursery with the previous year's toddlers and new additions to the class! It is so exciting to see all of the promises in their little faces!

For the past couple of weeks, our Early Years department has been preparing for the year ahead with training workshops and organizing their resources. Today, as the little eaglets came in, all the facilitators and the Early Years coordinator were prepared with games, and activities to engage the students, and to support them emotionally as they part from their parents for the day!

We are so excited to see more from the Early Years this year, and here's to a great year ahead as ARIS is now a full-house! Stay tuned.