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Father's Day Out with the PYP

Friday, 1st Feb 2019 was Father’s Day Out here among the Early Years students!

From Playgroup, Nursery to Reception, the little ones’ fathers took the first half of their morning to spend some quality time with them! ARIS is keen, especially, in the early years to make Fathers’ Day, Mothers’ Day and Grandparents’ Day an occasion in order to inculcate the value of relationships. Also, to have a whole lot of fun!

As the students came in the gates with their elated faces and their fathers (and some mothers) in tow, they introduced them proudly to their peers and teachers. The morning begun with Circle Time and Games involving group activities that got all students and their respective fathers together. Some games were like “make your baby into a mummy”, the balloon chase game and even a version of musical chairs! What fun!

But the day didn’t end there. Once circle time was over, each of the students got to take their fathers into their classrooms and out facilitators and assistant facilitators brought out all the goodies for arts and craft! All the duos and trios worked together to make little presents for eachother to remember this day by.

We all had a lot of fun! Keeping you posted on other news on the Early Years!