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MYP Language is an Essential Component of Culture

Language literacy is paramount to the development of any student in becoming Global citizens. Language is an essential component of culture, and in our language lessons at ARIS, we do not alienate the technicality of language from the richness of culture.

In preparation of International Secondary Language Day, most of the language classes at Secondary are taking part in a creative activity involving traditional games! Each language and culture has it’s own set of games that might or might not be similar to any other games from other cultures. As each of our classrooms are beautifully diverse, there were a lot of stories to share. Students from Ghana, Lebanon, India, Turkey, Jordan and more presented games that are an integral part of their home culture.

It’s such an interesting activity because it gives students an opportunity to peer into a multitude of cultures and games. Also, allows them to discover some similarities with their own, after all!