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PYP Health Talk


Here at ARIS, we value Health Education to the highest order. Good health and well-being contributes to a positive community!


On Friday (22nd Feb), our Health Department at Primary, Nurse Christy and our School Physician, Dr. Joanna Fadoul organized a Health Talk with the entire student body. The talk centered on overall hygiene, whether it be concerning our own bodies or our surroundings.


They both went from head to toe talking to the students about the best ways of maintaining hygiene and what to do to remain healthy. For example, healthy and clean hair if kept dirty contributes to infections and acne, ear hygiene, nose, teeth, fingers and so on. It really allows us to look in detail at things that we may sometimes tend to overlook. They also spoke to them about the number of times that we must shower in a day, that being two times and not once, as many people do.


Dr. Joanna also went on to talk about the surroundings they are in. Whether it is their own stationery, school bags, desk or something in a more holistic perspective like a classroom or a school environment. Even at home, making sure to maintain a healthy and hygienic environment around them.


All this not only contributes to physical health but also long term emotional and mental well-being. We encourage such talks and will keep updating more information as we go!