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PYP Professional Development

Last week, our Early Years Coordinator, Mme. Evon and our Playgroup Facilitator, Mme. Lulu were in Dubai for an IB Training.

Mme. Lulu attended the “Play based Learning” Workshop. As play is the way that children inquire and make sense of the world around them, from their birth; this workshop aimed to look at the importance of factors like time, space, materials and relationships in inquiry. The workshop also encouraged the attendees to explore their own political and cultural images of the child, and the impact that it has on the learning environment. Altogether, a deep look into the theoretical and practical considerations to a child’s holistic development.

Mme. Evon, on the other hand, attended the “Role of the Coordinator” Workshop. The workshop looked at the role of the PYP Coordinator in documentation, organizing professional development opportunities, complex relationship, resource management and communication with a range of stakeholders. In order to implement the respective programme, these roles are vital. The attendees of this workshop would be able to review the new and existing publications, observe curriculum mapping, policy writing and reviewing the guidelines for verification and evaluation. Moreover, the workshop was also aimed to increase the familiarity with global professional development, REGIS and the role of the IB Educator Network (IBEN), in order to model collaborative leadership.

Our staff are constantly learning and developing, in order to inspire, empower and transform for change!