Home News   PYP Happily Ever After 2019

PYP Happily Ever After 2019

Once upon a time, in a far, far away land, there was a school, and in that school was creative minds, risk-takers and open-minded thinkers! Now, when that students of the school would go off for their holidays, the school would await their return and make it a grand one!

With the new year, as our school has re-opened, its time for our annual “Happily Ever After”! On their first day back to school, every single student came, not in their uniform, but dressed as their favourite characters from books, comics and stories! Our students got their creative hats on, and went all out on their costumes.

The whole community of students and teachers are encouraged to dress up on this day, as it’s a great way to learn about new stories, discuss each character and have a whole lot of fun!

See all the costumes below!