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Deforestation PYP Exhibition

The PYP Exhibition is the capstone of all the learning, skills and knowledge acquisition that students have done in their PYP Journey!

One of the topics for this year’s exhibition is “Deforestation”, and yesterday the group of students for this topic went on a field trip to Akim Oda, in the Eastern region in Ghana to see the forest. That is also where the biggest tree of Ghana is, called the Baku Tree. They were guided by the Director of the Forestry Ministry Mr. Nkansh which was a really informative insight into their topic. The students also went further to see all the deforestation done, where trees had been cut down; now the government with a private contractor is reforesting the place again! The students also got to witness the transition of raw material to a serviceable good! From the trees that had been cut down to now plywood.

The students also had a guest lecture by Mr. Jacob, who is the Head of the Climate Change department at the Ministry of Forestry. He also handles Ghana’s global forest watch. He taught our students about seeing different databases for tree cover, tree loss, climate change, biodiversity and more through the Global Forest Watch on Google Maps.

At the end of their visit, the group presented a plant to the Director of the forestry ministry as a thank you for such an informative trip, and coordination.


At the end of their visit, the group presented a plant to the Director of the forestry ministry as a thank you for such an informative trip, and coordination.