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PYP to MYP a day of Transition

Yesterday was a big day for our Year 6 students. Soon, they will be graduating from the PYP and coming on to the next phase of their academic careers, the MYP!

The whole group of Year 6 students spent their day at the ARIS Secondary Campus. Our Year 7 students were put up to the role of taking their peers around the campus and showing them the ropes of things - from classrooms to labs to teachers and much more. They also attended a workshop held by the MYP Coordinator to ease them into understanding the MYP; they had to draw what they think it was going to be like at Secondary and identify a learner profile trait they embody as one of their exercises! Going by all the excitement around, it's safe to say that we think they liked it, and they are so excited to come to Secondary.

Parents of the current Year 6 students were also called in at the end of their day to attend an introductory talk on the MYP, with the MYP Coordinator and the Secondary Head of School. This is to know about what the programme entails, the transition and more!

We are so excited to welcome a new Year 7 batch in the coming academic year, we bet they are too!