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ARIS Alumni, Where are they now?

Two years ago, ARIS graduated its first IBDP Batch of 2017. Since then, we have had two batches of alumni, and one more this year with the Class of 2019. Through university acceptances, ARIS has also substantially grown its international reach and presence. Our students are internationally minded global citizens who are dotted in different parts of the world achieving their dreams and aspirations.

Now, as we track all the universities that ARIS Alumni are attending/accepted to, we realize the global presence of it. Here’s the list –

· SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design)

· Georgia Institute of Technology

· SP Jain School of Global Management

· New York University-Abu Dhabi

· University of British Columbia

· Simon Fraser University

· Leiden University

· University of Groningen

· Central European University

· University of Warwick

· Simon Fraser University

· IED Barcelona

· KEU Leuven

· University of Amsterdam

· Rutgers University

· National University of Singapore

· Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

· Cornell University

· University of Pennsylvania

· University of Waterloo

· University of Toronto

· University of Kent

· Lebanese International University

· Notre Dame University

· University of Balamand

· Lancaster University (Ghana/UK)

· Webster University (Ghana/UK)

· University of Plymouth

· Georgetown University (Qatar)

· Monash University