Home News   IBDP CAS Composting with Ms. Sara Stayte

IBDP CAS Composting with Ms. Sara Stayte

Did you know that approximately 60% of all landfills can be composted?

Composting is an eco-friendly method of turning food and yard waste into “black gold” at home. Food and yard waste composed of carbon and nitrogen, with the help of external organisms decompose and break down into a soil conditioner that is rich in nutrients and used for gardening.

ARIS is going Green! We are already spearheading our banning single-use plastics project, now composting is a project to take on. Ms. Sara Stayte, a passionate gardener and composting expert came in to give our IBDP ESS Students a lesson on How to Compost. She talked the students through the process of building a compost bin to what and what not to compost and the cycle of composting. She also brought in her own jars of compost in the various stages of its cycle to demonstrate to the students.

Taking a step away, the students introspect that they have never been around a community that has actively taken on composting in their own personal spheres. They also reflect on how easy it really is from its cost-effectiveness to its environmental merits. One of the students even said that if more people knew more about it, it would be more prevalent in Ghana, reducing the amount of waste burnt or thrown into landfills. They can eventually use their knowledge and skills to empower other communities to use their resources already at hand to start composting!


It didn’t just end there! We are proud to announce that ARIS Secondary Campus now has it’s very own composting bin, where people can throw in waste that can be composted. After a few months, the “black gold” can be used around the gardens on campus for, quite literally, a greener campus! All the students got a chance to dig out a hole and pile the tires on top of the other as they built a compost bin with a little effort in under 30 minutes.


A big thank you to Ms. Sara Stayte for coming in and spreading the valuable message of composting, which is so accessible and easy for anyone to take part in. Stay tuned for more!