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PYP Reception Completion Ceremony

Graduating the Early Years is no easy feat! There is so much that our students accomplish as far as literacy and numeracy go in our Early Years (Playgroup, Nursery, and Reception) classes.

This morning, our Reception Class of 2019 had their graduation ceremony and it was colorful and wonderful! The ceremony commenced with groups of students performing in different languages - Arabic, French, English, Hindi, and Mandarin. The Reception students also put together a skit with a message of 'ARIS Cares' about everyone - the animals, the marine life and the flora! Before the certificate giving ceremony began, the Nursery class also came together for a performance.


As it got to the time of certificate distribution, each student on stage was called and commended for their achievements and the IB Learner Profile that they embody. All the best of luck to them for their new academic journey in Year 1, in the coming year!