Home News   Breast Cancer Awareness - It’s Pink Friday!

Breast Cancer Awareness - It’s Pink Friday!

The entire month of October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, and as a school, we have dedicated this Friday to sensitizing our students about breast cancer!

In support of this, the entire student body at secondary came to school today beautifully dressed in pink or had a pink ribbon to represent their solidarity.

The school doctor, Dr. Joana, had a small breast cancer awareness workshop with the female students from Year 7 to Year 13, teaching them basic things about breast cancer which includes, breast care and self-examination, risk factors, and general wellbeing. In addition to this free breast examinations were offered to students upon consent from parents.

Wellbeing in ARIS forms an important part of who we are as a school, and we thrive to ensure that our students have an experience that would benefit them largely, as well as the community they live with!

Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month!