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PSA Welcome Back BBQ 2019 Fitness Fever!

Many good memories, they say, have been created over good food, and good food was only what was served at the 2019 ARIS PSA BBQ!

On 28th September 2019, the ARIS family came together as one and took part in the annual barbecue held by the ARIS PSA. This year’s barbecue was filled with so many activities, games, and food, and everyone participated. This PSA planned event had a lot of families donating food, IBDP and MYP students volunteering to participate in the event, as it contributes to their CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) and staff being as amazing as ever, as they volunteered to help with organizing and helping during the event!

The activities that took place were dance competitions (led by Mr. Jude) amongst, parents, and then students, Zumba, football, basketball and of course a lot of eating. The kabobs were an absolute delicacy, as were the other food that featured in the barbecue.

The highlight of the day was the unveiling of a collage created by everyone who attended the barbecue. Children, parents, and staff all painted on pieces of paper and put them together to create a beautiful collage! All different yet the same, a true representation of who we are as a community. We are diverse, but as an ARIS family, we are one, in spirit, creativity, and culture!

Shout out to all our medal winners for winning the various competitions and to our DJ for the day, Mr. Tee, for keeping the music going at the event!