Home News   Teacher's Day Celebration 2019

Teacher's Day Celebration 2019

5th October every year is a day set aside to celebrate all teachers around the world!

The ARIS educational model is student-centered, making the students the top priority of the teaching and learning process. Thanks to the student agency, our students have the voice, choice and complete ownership of their learning. The role of our teachers has now become one of complete support and facilitation, hence the name facilitators.

In celebration of our facilitators, the Student Representative Council and the entire student body, gave the facilitators the day off, as they took over their roles. A day filled with fun-packed activities, food, music, and total relaxation was planned for the facilitators by the students. A speech read by the Head Boy of the Secondary Campus expressed the appreciation of the role of facilitators in the lives of the students, roles ranging from supporters to role models and friends. The class sessions were run by students who did quite a good job playing the role of facilitators. It was such a pleasure to see students inspiring and empowering their fellow students.

In the afternoon, the students and facilitators competed in fun games, such as musical chairs, table tennis, soccer, and volleyball!

We at ARIS would like to express our profound appreciation and gratitude to our facilitators for supporting and guiding our students and for being available at all times to inspire, empower and transform our students to create a better world! We love you ARIS Facilitators!