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Investiture Ceremony: Meet The Secondary SRC 2019/2020

Investiture Ceremony: Meet The Secondary SRC 2019/2020

Campaigns and Elections are over! ARIS is proud to present to you the Secondary campus Student Representative Council for the Academic Year 2019/2020!

Head Boy: Abrahim Toutoungi
Head Girl: Fidaus Alfa
Assistant Head Boy: Anik Mukherjee
Assistant Head Girl: Zeynep Meral Kunt
Head of Class Reps: Nadia Abdoulaye

From the procession to the cultural dances, performances, inspiring speeches, and oath swearing, this year’s Investiture Ceremony for our Secondary Campus was nothing short of splendid.

The ceremony was graced by the presence of our Guest Speaker, Dr. Lucy Agyepong, who is the Dean of the Engineering Faculty for Academy City College. The Board Members, Director, Head of School and Faculty for ARIS were also present at the occasion, as were the parents of the ARIS community.

In her speech, Dr. Lucy Agyepong addressed three important characteristics of a good leader; Influence, Character, and Vision, pointing out the fact that these three worked together at all times to produce good leadership. She urged the elected leaders to strive hard to collaborate not only with each other but also with the entire student body and the facilitators, to transform the world.

Speeches from the Director of the school, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, and the Head of School, Madam Alpana Mukherjee all entreated the SRC and the student body to never lose the ARIS culture, which is one that inspires, empowers and transforms our generation.

In their acceptance speeches after the Oath Swearing, Head Boy, Abrahim Toutoungi and Head Girl, all promised on behalf of the entire Student Representative Council that they will work together to serve the school and push it into greater heights.

There was a grand showcase of talent in the school during the Investiture Ceremony, from poetry to music and dance performances.

We wish all the newly elected SRC members all the best in their journey as student leaders and we look forward to a great year under their leadership!