Home News   Primary Investiture Ceremony 2019/2020 Leaders Inspire. Leaders Empower. Leaders Transform.

Primary Investiture Ceremony 2019/2020 Leaders Inspire. Leaders Empower. Leaders Transform.

Leaders Inspire. Leaders Empower. Leaders Transform: Primary Investiture 2019/2020

The Student Representative Council of the Primary Campus of ARIS, today, took an oath in the presence of the entire student body, staff, invited guests and parents, to mark the beginning of their tenure of office.

Attending the investiture ceremony was our guest speaker, the Second Lady of the Republic of Ghana, Her Excellency Mrs. Samira Bawumia, Dr. Fatma Odaymat (Director of ARIS) , Madam Dania Sadek (Head of Primary School), Abrahim Toutoungi (Head boy of Secondary Campus), and Fidaus Alfa (Head girl of Secondary Campus).

In her speech, Her Excellency Mrs. Samira Bawumia entreated the newly elected SRC and the entire student body to uphold and value respect for each other, co-operation, honesty and compassion, which is echoed in the ARIS characteristics. She encouraged the students to be people of integrity and a good attitude, as these are valuable in life.

The SRC was led into the oath swearing by Dr Fatma and Madam Dania, promising to the entire student populace to be leaders of example, who would fulfill their duties to the best of their abilities and honor their badges.

We congratulate the Primary Campus SRC 2019/2020 on their investiture, and we look forward to a wonderful year under their leadership!