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MYP Student's ATL Workshop

Approaches to learning, which form part of the IB programme model, are specific systems and methods which are put in place to develop skills and attitudes that permeate the learning environment.

ARIS as an institute ensures that all students are well developed in the skills required to be life-long learners. With the learner taking an active part and having the absolute ownership of the teaching and learning process, it is imperative that ATL skills such as thinking, self-management, communication, social and research skills are well developed.

In light of this, an ATL workshop was organized for our MYP 2 students, with the objective of enlightening the students on the ATL skills.

This interactive workshop delved into topics such as making smart goals, specifying what these goals are and tracking them. The students collaborated in groups and worked on tasks given to them. Using the ATL skills provided, the students produced an awesome work, answering the questions; what are my goals, how can I prioritize my goals, and what values would support my goals.

This project will be followed closely by ARIS because the acquisition of ATL skills is very essential to the IB learner as it drives them towards the path of lifelong learning, by giving them the necessary skills to take ownership of developing themselves.