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PYP Open House 2019/2020

ARIS hosts the PYP Open House for the academic year 2019/2020 today, at the Primary School Campus.

From school activities to Units of Inquiry and timetables, an open house is a great way for parents to get to connect with facilitators and learn a little more about the school and their children. They get to understand the teaching and learning approaches, the environment and the ARIS culture. It is also a perfect way to inquire about their wards’ progress as learners and be updated about their needs and their goals.

This year’s open house was held in two sessions. The first session ran from 1:30 pm to 1:50 pm and the second session ran from 2:00 pm to 2:30 pm. These sessions all began with the Homeroom facilitators from Nursery to Year 6 giving an introduction of themselves. They went on to present the timetable for their class, the Units of Inquiry and the transdisciplinary nature of the Units. The transdisciplinary themes include; Who we Are, How We Organize Ourselves, Sharing the Planet, Where we are in Place and Time, How we Express Ourselves and How the World Works.

The sessions were all very interactive. Parents were curious about the class and school activities and how they affect their children.

The PYP curriculum is structured in a way that students come out as well-rounded individuals who are empowered to transform the world. At ARIS, we support all forms of meaningful integration, including cultural integration which inspires responsibility, respect, and open-mindedness amongst the students. We also support IT integration, and the Homeroom facilitators explained to parents that through Blended Learning (using software like mathletics, splash math) students are empowered to become not only balanced but creative in their thinking. Literacy and Numeracy integration also play a role in the child’s development, and this is made possible using Jolly Phonics, Daily Reading, Number Hopscotch and much more.

One thing that the facilitators pointed out to parents is the fact that now, ARlS students have taken absolute ownership and responsibility for their learning. Facilitators now are support structures in the learning cycle and students have the absolute voice and choice towards their own learning. This only reiterates the student-centeredness of the IB Primary Years Programme.

All in all, Open House 2019/2020 was a huge success and we hope that all parents come on board with the facilitators to ensure that our students are inspired and empowered to be instruments of great transformation in our world!