Home News   Campus is Closing, Let me Catch my Breath, a Virtual Learning Story a Journey from Mr. Tee

Campus is Closing, Let me Catch my Breath, a Virtual Learning Story a Journey from Mr. Tee

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold your horses. Let me catch my breath, whew! This is crazy. Let me tell you a story...

The date was Friday the 13th of March 2020. ARIS had to take a stand. The school was closing down for a week. The news came as a surprise to all even though we knew it was going to happen but we did not expect it to happen this soon. Oh well, we were ready for this. Teachers were wondering how teaching would become. Face-to-face was challenging enough, now we have to do this online. Well, we have always been up for a good challenge. Sandy got us on par with PYP lingua. Scope and sequence reinforced.

Dania and Daniel going back and forth is a sight to behold... “Wait, can I finish”, said one. “Can I also finish talking”, said the other. I stood in total awe. No, they were not fighting, they were planning how best teachers could deliver lessons online. My my my, what a way to go off.

It's Monday the 16th, ARIS we got this! Everyone got their digital devices ready, teachers, students and admin, laptops, tablets, you name it. All log in to Google classroom. keyboards tapping, mice clicking, touchscreens getting the touches they deserve, woohoo, day one is over, what a success! Parents are sending accolades. Most organized school. Yes, I told you we were ready for this! One week down. Week 2 begins. Oh no, the internet is jamming but yet there is no music. Zoom meetings are scheduled, we have to see each other. "Aww, I miss you. I miss you more”. Those were the greetings in our spaces. Planning is afoot again. Week 3 begins. EdTech Team is feeling the heat. Nevertheless, we are able and capable. From new EdTech tools to refresher video recordings of existing ones. We got this! From one challenge surmounted to the next, the EdTech Team at ARIS is always ready to help you reach your full potential. Yes, the spirit in ARIS is that of empowering, inspiring and transforming each other in the best way we can. It’s been interesting and still is. Stay with us as we journey on through this.


-Mr. Tee