Home News   To Our BTS Heroes, Mustapha Hamoui, and Nii Noi Nortey!

To Our BTS Heroes, Mustapha Hamoui, and Nii Noi Nortey!

The success of ARIS is born through a series of collaborations from a diverse, vast number of people. Today, we celebrate two of our behind-the-scenes heroes, Mustapha Hamoui and Nii Noi Nortey.

To Mustapha Hamoui, thank you for being a fantastic parent contributor and for collaborating with us to create and update our website! We are awed by your dedication to ARIS in this journey to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world.

To another BTS hero, who has been with ARIS on this journey for years, we say a big thank you to Nii Noi Nortey for being a force behind the brand ARIS! Thank you for your contribution and dedication to ARIS and for all your beautiful designs! We would not be the ARIS that we are without you and we are very grateful!