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A Summer Well Spent - Yale Young Global Scholars Program

Summertime is always a time to relax, travel, get out in the sun, go out to the beaches. However with the recent global situation of the outbreak of COVID-19 and in order keep safe, most of us stay put. In order to make the best out of his summer, Anik Mukherjee, IBDP 2 Year 13 Eagle, and the Assistant Head Boy for the ARIS Secondary Student Representative Council, applied and took part in the Yale Young Global Scholars Program.

The program is an academic enrichment program that is normally offered and hosted by Yale. According to our Eagle, the program was highly inspiring and empowering even though it was held virtually, and he got the opportunity to learn and interact with students from all over the world, as well as actual lecturers from the prestigious University, Yale, sharing in their experiences and aspirations to transform for a better world!

Even though the program was a competitive one, Anik being the risk-taker that he was, worked hard through it and completed the course successfully. At the end of the course, he was awarded a certificate of completion.

We are so proud of Anik for this great accomplishment. He recommends to all upcoming seniors to take part in this program if they can, as it inspired, empowered and transformed him greatly. Congratulations Anik!