Home News   Dr. Funke is now an ICMEC Endorsed Child Protection Trainer for AISA

Dr. Funke is now an ICMEC Endorsed Child Protection Trainer for AISA

We are proud to announce that our very own Head of Counselling and Support, Dr. Funke Baffour-Awuah, is now an official ICMEC endorsed Child Protection Trainer for the Association of International Schools in Africa (AISA).

She was officially endorsed after a week-long training and assessment programme with the International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children. This organization in conjunction with the International Task Force on Child Protection made it their mission to train partners on the front lines to enable them to embark on their quest of preventing and responding to child abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation.

In ARIS, Dr. Funke and her team have developed the ARIS Child Protection Policy, in order that all our students are protected from all forms of child abuse, neglect and sexual exploitation.

We are proud of this achievement and we celebrate Dr. Funke for this inspiring and empowering feat!