Home News   MYP 5 Eagle Anahita Dhar wins National Award at IAAC 2020

MYP 5 Eagle Anahita Dhar wins National Award at IAAC 2020

We are proud to announce that one of our Eagles, Anahita Dhar, recently won a National Award at the just-ended International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition 2020!

Anahita participated in the IAAC 2020 which took place in July 2020, and although she did not win the overall best prize, she won the best participant from Ghana award. This is a great feat, as quite a number of students from Ghana participated.

Inspired by her love for Astronomy and Astrophysics and greatly empowered by the help of her physics facilitator, Mr. Tornyo, Anahita worked hard during the competition, progressing round after round, till she reached the final round.

The International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition is an international science competition that ensures that students from all around the world have the opportunity to apply their skills, creativity and knowledge in the fields of astronomy and astrophysics to solving problems.

We are so proud of Anahita, and we entreat all our Eagles to be Inspired and Empowered by her story, and Transform for a better world! Congratulations Eagle.