Home News   ARIS vs Galaxy International School - Junior and Senior Team Soccer Match

ARIS vs Galaxy International School - Junior and Senior Team Soccer Match

ARIS vs Galaxy International School - Junior and Senior Team Soccer Match

The Eagles hosted a football match, in which they played against their friends from Galaxy International School, and what a display of collaboration and sportsmanship it was!

The Senior and Junior Football Teams from both schools played. During the game, students from ARIS cheered on the Eagles, whilst their counterparts from Galaxy International School did the same for their players.

At the end of the matches, the ARIS Senior Football Team won their match against the Senior Team from GIS by 2 goals to nil, while the ARIS Junior Football Team lost their match by 2 goals to one.

Sporting activities and games are a sure way of providing students with a balanced, holistic education and their participation in competitions makes students develop the spirit of a risk-taker! Congratulations Eagles, and to the GIS team for a beautiful game!