Home News   PYP Year 6 Secondary MYP Science Trip

PYP Year 6 Secondary MYP Science Trip


Inquiring into their unit of inquiry, Materials, and exploring into physical and chemical changes of materials, PYP Year 6 students took a trip to the Secondary campus, to perform and observe experiments!

Upon arrival at the Secondary Campus, the excitement emanating from the younger Year 6 students was so tangible. They got there prepared to learn and excited by the thought that the next year they would be secondary students.

Looking clean and ready in their white lab coats, they were divided into 3 groups. In these groups, the students learned and observed experiments in Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. They went further by observing and noting the differences between physical and chemical changes, and the processes that are involved in these changes. One particular experiment that they would not forget was the fireworks/ explosion experiment they observed by one of the chemistry facilitators.

Science experiments are very beneficial as they nurture students’ intellectual curiosity and problem-solving skills which inspires and empowers them to develop ways of inquiring into how the world works and ways in which our world can be transformed for the better.