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ARIS 2020/21 Reopening Plan

Global school closure in response to COVID-19 has impacted more than 80% of the world student population and at a certain time more than 1.3 billion students and 60 million teachers were asked to stay home. The last 2 months of the past academic year were very uncomfortable and difficult for everyone in the ARIS community as we completely moved our learning to a full online platform. Nevertheless, and despite everything, our learning continued and we were able to successfully complete the year.

At ARIS, our teams have been working collaboratively for the past 3 months to develop strategies and protocols in preparation for the new academic year 2020-2021. As we wait for clear instructions from the local government, we have set up a Task Force made up of all our stakeholders to prepare for all scenarios and to develop all systems and guidelines necessary to mitigate the impact of this global pandemic on our community.

We are all looking forward to resuming face to face learning on campus in the school year 2020-2021 but the safety of all continues to be our highest priority. The reopening of both ARIS campuses will be guided by our De-escalation Matrix and the local government directives.

To provide our community with an overview, we have put together this document. Each section detailed here involves more in-depth protocols that will be regularly revised to ensure alignment with international best practices and local government regulations.

We look forward to welcoming back all our students this year (on-campus and virtually), as we remain committed to #inspire, #empower and #transform for a better world.