Home News   Amazing Adinkra Week, Celebrating Ghana Through Adinkra Symbols!

Amazing Adinkra Week, Celebrating Ghana Through Adinkra Symbols!

In the past week, Ghana celebrated her 63rd Independence Day. The secondary students of ARIS celebrated Ghana through the Glorious Ghana concert, and this week, the primary campus is celebrating the Amazing Adinkra Week to commemorate Ghana’s Independence!

The Amazing Adinkra week as its name portrays is a celebration of the adinkra symbols which represents part of the symbols, culture and essence of our country Ghana.

Through art integration, students from our primary campus learned about the names and meanings of the various adinkra signs, like “Gye Nyame” which literally means “except God” which signifies the supremacy of God, and “Sankofa” which symbolises the fact that as human beings we should be able to learn from the past!

Adinkra symbols are symbols that are based on ancient teachings, proverbs or wise sayings and folklore, and they are known for their symbolic representation, giving encouragement, advice and even warnings where need be!