Home News   Nana Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh asks, what is ART to you?

Nana Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh asks, what is ART to you?

The perception of what ART is is very relative. This question posed to a group IBDP 1 and 2 students brought up various answers. To one, ART is life, to another ART is nature, and to another ART is a creative expression of ideas and feelings through a number of media!

To answer this question the Secondary Art Department invited one of Africa’s fastest rising curators, Nana Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh, to come and engage students in an art conversation on the global perspective of what art is!

Nana Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh is an artist, curator and critic based in Ghana, whose work is strongly influenced by the “silent revolution” ongoing in Ghana’s foremost art college at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

Participants of this conversation included IBDP 1 Year 12 and IBDP 2 Year 13 art students who had a lot of questions regarding arts and its expression.

During the conversation, Nana Kwasi Ohene-Ayeh discussed the various media that are considered art and those that aren’t. He also talked to the group about the evolution of photography and how it has evolved to become the art it is now. He also inspired the students to look up to other artists for inspiration and still hold on to the core of themselves as artists. Towards the end of the conversation, he looked at some of the art projects of the students and advised them on how to deliver their art projects.

The ARIS Art Department is a very dynamic department that seeks to integrate art in the academics and lives of students, inspiring and empowering them to transform for a better world!