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Primary Coffee Morning: Updates, Highlights and Coronavirus!

Primary Coffee Morning is a great avenue for the school to meet with parents to keep them up to date on school activities!

Yesterday’s meeting was very insightful as parents were given updates with regards to issues that included the Coronavirus and preventive precautions we were taking as a school!

Highlights of the semester such as EYP Sports Day, House Point Assembly for the Month of February, Online Virtual Learning, School Trips, Soccer Matches against other schools, Mama Africa from last semester and the Awards Ceremony were given to all those who were in attendance. Parents were also updated on school events that will take place in the days to come!

An important topic of discussion was the novel COVID-19 infection that is rapidly becoming a worldwide pandemic. Parents were advised on preventive measures to do for themselves and their wards, non-essential travels were advised to be suspended, and they were assured by school authorities that everything was being done to ensure that the school environment is safe. Concerns about the ARIS Select Gymteam that traveled to Portugal for the MAIC FIG ACRO World Cup 2020 were addressed as measures were put in place before, during and after their travel.

To all our ARIS community, we encourage you to stay up to date with school communications via email, the School Stream App, Seesaw and Managebac! Let’s keep Inspiring, Empowering and Transforming for a better world!