After weeks of rehearsals and practice, which was hectic at times, and really fun at other times, the ARIS Select Gymteam Ghana embarked on the journey to Portugal, for the MIAC FIG ACRO WORLD CUP 2020, which took place in Maia from 27th February 2020 to 10th March 2020. This article is a description of their journey from Ghana, to Portugal.

The Preparation

Most importantly during the weeks of preparation and hectic rehearsals, our girls were sensitized greatly on preventive and hygienic measures! They were taken through a series of preparation talks, which involved the Coach, Coach Caroline Van Hombeeck, School Counselor, Dr. Funke Baffour, School Physician, Dr. Joanna Fadoul, and Mme Dayna Toutoungi. Of course, gym practice was also intensified and the girls collaborated as a team, encouraging themselves to push hard to achieve the best!

The Journey

The Journey to Portugal began on 27th February 2020. The girls departed from Ghana, with the supervision of the Coach and Head of Delegate. After a long flight, they arrived in Portugal, where they would spend 10 days prepping some more, and competing in the MIAC FIG ACRO CUP 2020!

They trained and lived in the Training Camp for the competition where training was intensified. With competition day drawing near, the girls were self motivated to give their best shot as they aspired for nothing but the best!

The Competition

The MIAC FIG ACRO CUP 2020 was participated by 1500 people; 1090 gymnasts (MIAC), 113 gymnasts (WCUP) totaling to about 1200 gymnasts, and 345 delegates! The competition prize money amounted to over 10,000 Euros!

Our girls participated in the Trio and Duo Competition. Representing in the duo competition were; Yaa Nyamekye Yeboah and Mathilde Jakobson, Malou Benthe and Lauren Witbooi, and Aline Kodsi and Suwebat Salah. For the trio competition, we had; Eryn van Vooren, Jasmyn Brown and Alma Khalil, Gabriella Iloanya, Lea Jouve and Asma El Assaad, Amankwah Baffour-Awuah, Emma Asampong and Abena Owusua Yeboah, and finally Jennah Toutoungi, Atarebono Agambire and Delina Mormile!

The competitions took place on 6th and 7th March 2020, and it was a fiercely contested competition. Our girls gave it their all and made us extremely proud. 

The Journey Back Home and Feedback

The ARIS Select Gymteam Ghana returned home on 10th March 2020 and precautions were taken upon their arrival. The team arrived safe and sound with a lot of stories to tell. They were very self motivated and looked forward to competing in the next competition that comes their way.

The ARIS Select Gymteam Ghana is a very disciplined self-motivated team that is highly inspired and empowered to do their best in their endeavor as gymnasts. Their risk taking spirit allows them to aspire for higher achievement. We are so proud of them and we will keep inspiring and empowering them to transform for a better world!

Congratulations Eagles!