Home News   World Wildlife Day Debate: ARIS vs KINBU SHS

World Wildlife Day Debate: ARIS vs KINBU SHS

On 3rd March, the UN celebrated World Wildlife Day along with the entire world, with this year’s theme being “Sustaining all Life on Earth”! To commemorate this day, the Ghana Forestry Commission organized a debate between Senior High Schools and International Schools in Accra, and ARIS participated.

Prior to the debate day, a balloting ceremony for the debate was held, and the ARIS representative, Madam Temi, picked for the motion, which was “The destruction of wildlife products such as elephant ivory, pangolin scales and rhino horns, confiscated through wildlife crime combating activities is the ideal move towards wildlife protection and sustaining life on earth.”

Debate day, 5th March 2020, was filled with excitement as our prepared debaters looked forward to presenting their argument. ARIS competed fiercely against Kinbu Senior High School in this debate and at the end of the competition, Kinbu SHS won the motion by 2 points.

Even though our debaters didn’t win the debate, they came back more inspired and empowered to ensure that our world becomes a place of sustainability for all lives! Congratulations Eagles! You made us proud!