Home News   PYP Year 3 in Collaboration with Centre for Global Education, celebrates Endangered Species Day!

PYP Year 3 in Collaboration with Centre for Global Education, celebrates Endangered Species Day!

In the spirit of collaboration and global citizenship, PYP Year 3 Eagles, last Thursday, marked Endangered Species Day with the Centre for Global Education!

This celebration was sponsored by the Canadian Wildlife Federation, as it was a celebration held in Canada. The aim of this collaboration and celebration was to show kids all the incredible things animals do for our environment and what we need to do to protect them and this was achieved through educational activities, web articles, videos, crafts and games!

PYP Year 3 Eagles, along with their fantastic facilitator, Mme Yinka, joined in a live chat to discuss and learn about the focus of this year's endangered species day, the American Eel.

Students produced beautiful art pieces on the American Eel in their bid to raise awareness to protect them after learning and discussing them!