Home News   PYP Year 5 Presents: Monochromatic Colors

PYP Year 5 Presents: Monochromatic Colors

For art integration, PYP Year 5 has been working on a project entitled, Monochromatic colors! This forms part of their inquiry into colors, as they go further into the representation of colors and its changes, and what they imply.

The aim of their inquiry was to learn and grasp the concept that colors change and these changes evoke different expressions, ideas, emotions and responses in people and their art.

To ensure that our eagles understood this concept, they were given this fantastic project by PYP Art Facilitator, Mr. Sam who guided students virtually, into using geometrical figures like squares, rectangles and circles, painting them with monochromatic colors by adding tints and shades to create different shades of the same color!

Check out the amazing artwork done by our eagles!