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Learner Profile Assembly with PYP Eagles and Facilitators

Inquirers, Communicators, Thinkers, Risk-Takers, Balanced, Principled, Knowledgeable, Open-minded, Reflective, Caring! These are the IB Learner Profiles that we encourage every eagle, from students to parents and facilitators to develop to be successful globally!

As part of our mission to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world, PYP Eagles and staff are reminded of the IB learner profiles through assemblies, classroom activities, and through day to day activities. An assembly held on Friday had students learn more about these profiles and how they can reflect on the characteristics of these profiles.

Joined in by facilitators and the PYP Coordinator, eagles were excited to see their classmates and teachers, and they worked hard on trying to understand the profiles for themselves and ways in which they could portray these profiles.