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ARIS Secondary Coffee Morning - What's new at Secondary?

It's another Coffee Morning for ARIS Secondary Parents and mornings like these always bring us closer, in understanding the plans and aspirations we hope for and look forward to as a community.

For this coffee morning, matters that were discussed revolved around the way forward, with the current situation of COVID-19, and the best way to ensure that our Eagles' performances and experiences are of a high quality.

Discussing ARIS' Journey of Four Stages, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, took parents through the stages of our plan to maintain and improve student's experience and performances, amidst these chaotic times.

Presentations were also made by the Head of School, Mme Alpana.

All Parents are encouraged to attend these Coffee Mornings, as they are an opportunity to understand and know the school's plans and also contribute to making ARIS an institution that Inspires, Empowers and Transforms, for a better world!