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Digifest 2020 Forum with PYP Eagles

The month of October is Cyber Security Awareness Month, and our PYP Eagles were not left out in celebrating and raising awareness.

Digifest 2020, is an initiative from our amazing EdTech Team, who put together a forum, with our students and digital experts, who would sensitize them on the importance of being responsible and respectful while using the internet, especially in these times of COVID-19.

The Forum dubbed, Digital Citizenship and Cyber Security Forum, was organized to teach students about the digital footprints they are most likely to leave, how to be safe online, how to ensure that they are using the internet in a way that would benefit them more than it will harm them.

Speaking at the forum was IT Specialist, Information Security and Trainer for MTN Ghana, Jacqueline Hanson Kotei. She outlined online safety practices that would help students not leave digital footprints that would harm them in the future. She also mentioned that even though the technology is here to improve lives especially in these COVID-19 times, certain people can use it negatively through cyberbullying, phishing, catfishing, cyberstalking, outing amongst many others.

"Share personal information but not private information". This and many more tips were shared. All in all, students learned that they had to be safe, responsible and respectful online!