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Maiden ARISMUN Conference Starts Today!

After months of thorough preparations towards ARIS' first ever Model United Nations Virtual Conference, ARISMUN2020 was finally declared open today!

In what could be described as an organized, impactful opening ceremony, the conference had over 150 participants in attendance with students from a total of 7 schools in Ghana and Nigeria. The schools that were in attendance were yours truly, Al-Rayan International School, DPS International, Tema International School, SOS Hermann Mneimer International College, American International School, Ghana International School and Temple School (Nigeria). These students came together to discuss issues pertaining to the world and ways they can shape the world to create The Future They Want!

Gracing the occasion was special guest speaker, Sir Girmay Haile, former UN official, who in his speech touched on the current fragility of world peace and the effects of COVID-19 on diplomacy.

During the opening ceremony there were various speeches such as that from the Director of Al-Rayan International School, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, the various heads of Chairs, and the Secretaries General.

According to the programme for the Conference, there will be committee sessions where the various countries in the committees debate it out to come to resolutions concerning their committees.

This conference, though virtual, promises to be very Inspiring, Empowering and Transforming as young minds unite in the quest of creating The Future They Want!

Cheers to three days of successful, impactful and empowering debates!