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The Greatest Showman

After months of rehearsals and practice, of sacrifice and of commitment, of laughter and sometimes tears, the greatest show to ever hit our stage came off!

And what a success it was!

The Greatest Showman, which took place on Saturday, 9th November 2019, at 7:00 pm at Secondary, was a show that portrayed the seriousness, passion and the love our entire Department of Performing Arts, our students and the ARIS Community have for the theatre!

To start with, tickets for the show were all sold out. To the point that tickets for standing were sold, which also got sold out before the start of the show. The theatre area was full to the brim with students, staff, and parents expecting nothing short of a spectacular show!

The Greatest Showman, tells a story of a young man, P.T. Barnum who from nothing, built a world of show business for himself and others who felt like they had no place in the world. It tells a story of a man who took risks both on a personal level and a professional level and made a name for himself. Through his ups and downs, P.T. Barnum always said one thing - “The show must go on”. His perseverance through the most difficult times and losses greatly inspires and empowers everyone to make a move to transform their world!

Through music, dance and engaging dialogues, our eagles awed the audience. Through their performance, the entire school body, along with our ARIS parents all agreed on the immense showcase of talent on the stage. Although the show experienced some technical hitches, our eagles pushed through it all and delivered a magnificent show. At the end of the show, there was not a single person who was not humming or singing along to the song at the grand finale, “Come Alive”.

At the end of the show, our students received a massive standing ovation, amidst cheers of encores and claps! The applause was so huge that the audience started singing the finale song, “Come Alive”, and this motivated the band and entire cast and crew to join in and perform that whole song again. The students looked so happy, proud and fulfilled about the show they gave, which is what every institution that is concerned about the learning journey of their students, looks for.

After speeches from the Headboy, Abrahim Toutoungi, Secondary Head of School, Madam Alpana Mukherjee and Director of the School, Dr. Fatma Odaymat, the whole event was brought to a close.

We would like to congratulate the student director, Yasmin Alfa, for putting the show together brilliantly. To Mr. Solomon, Mr. Wisdom, Mr. Kelvin, Mr. Jude and Madam Ruth, we say thank you for your dedication to the Department of Performing Arts and for your able assistance. To the entire band, crew and cast, we say congratulations. To the entire staff and management of the school, we would like to thank you for your unflinching support and dedication to our students. Finally to our ARIS parents, we thank you for your patience throughout rehearsals and of course, for your support!

Kudos to all!