Home News   IBDP 2 Year 13 Eagles interact with Representations from Penn State University

IBDP 2 Year 13 Eagles interact with Representations from Penn State University

IBDP 2 Year 13 Eagles had the opportunity to interact with representatives from Penn State University. Elaine Barsness and Ben Carr talked about the Millennium Scholars / Schreyer Honors College Programmes opened to students both local and international.

These programmes are open to students who are interested in pursuing a degree in a STEM field with the goal of going on to achieve a PhD. Currently, the programme is accepting students in the Penn State Colleges of Earth and Mineral Sciences, Information Sciences and Technology, Engineering and Science.

In addition, students, both local and international have the opportunity to benefit from both programmes.

We are grateful to the representatives from Penn State University for taking our Eagles through this meeting and collaborating with the ARIS Career and University Counseling and Guidance Department to make this meeting a reality!