Home News   What is more Important for Success in Both Classroom and Business: IQ or EQ?

What is more Important for Success in Both Classroom and Business: IQ or EQ?

For their Personal and Professional Skills class, IBCP 1 Year 12 Eagles debated on the topic: What is more important for Success in Both Classroom and Business: IQ or EQ?

Divided into two teams, A and B, the students laid out points to support IQ and EQ. With relevant statistical points and examples stated, it was quite an impressive and interactive debate.

With the help of assessors, who were present during the debate, students were able to identify and understand both the positive and negative feedback in relation to their presentation and facts.

In the end, team B who was for EQ managed to convince the panel of assessors that their stance was more important than IQ in the classroom and at the workplace.

It is very important to develop personal and professional skills as these skills are necessary for 21st-century careers and life in general and we are ready as a school to impart this knowledge to Inspire, Empower and Transform for a better world.