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Primary and Secondary Facilitators Reflection Meeting

Marking the beginning of yet another thrilling year at ARIS full of learning with everyone, our determined PYP, MYP, IBCP and IBDP faculty came together for a brainstorming session on how to further improve our student’s experience and performances. Conversations hopped in and out of several topics, but at the end of every discussion, it always came back to one thing, the core of our existence, the students.

To ensure the best learning experience for our students and gravitate them towards being passionate lifelong learners, our members of staff reflected on last year’s challenges and victories, in order to deduce and come to conclusions on what could have gone wrong and find their appropriate solutions. Coming together as a collaborative team with creativity and innovation by everyone, our teachers were constantly coming up with new and improved approaches and strategies for better and exhilarating outcomes from our students.

 “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.” Malala Yousafzai.

Successful teaching is a process that does not only involve the teacher, but also the students, and this year, facilitators have resolved to create a good connection and relationship with students in order for them to be successful in their learning journeys. After all, when it's all said and done, the students are the core of all that is done at ARIS!

We’re looking forward to all the achievements and victories to come this academic year!