Home News   ARIS Award Assembly January 2021

ARIS Award Assembly January 2021

"Hard work does not go unnoticed, and someday the rewards will follow" Allan Rufus.

...And the rewards did follow for all Eagles who were exceptional, both academically and non-academically, in the last semester.

In a virtual ceremony, via zoom, attended by over 190 participants who joined from their homes, and all students on campus, who joined from their classrooms, awards were given out to students who performed exceptionally in their school work and demonstrated the ARIS core values.

The awards were categorized into sections and were given to pupils from each class. The categories included:

1. Merit Award - given to students who received an average of 5.5 - 5.9 on all subjects, with no below expectations in approaches to learning skills.

2. Academic Award - given to students with a 6.0 - 6.4 average in all subjects and no below expectations in approaches to learning skills.

3. Director's Honor Roll Award- given to students with a 6.5 and above average in all subjects, and no below expectations for ATL Skills.

4. ARIS Subject Awards- given to students who improved greatly in the subject, were very diligent and were well achieved in the subject.

5. ARIS Core Purpose Awards- given to students who were true epitomes of the ARIS Core Purpose.

6. IB Learner Profile Award- given to students who exhibited the IB Learner profiles and applied them in their daily lives in school.

7. Leadership Award.

8. ARIS Service Award- given to students who were committed to service.

9. ARIS V.O.C.A.L. Award- given to students who were Visible, Organized, Caring, Analytical and showed great Leadership Skills.

Musical performances and poetry recitals were given during the virtual awards.

Congratulations to all award winners, and to the rest of our Eagles, the learning journey is still on the full course, and anyone can be an expert learner. All that must be done is to work hard and go for GOLD! Be Inspired, Empowered and Transformed for a better world!